9 september 2013
Независимая газета
Author: В.Н. Ганичев

Today, well-known scientist, businessman and public figure, philanthropist I.R Ashurbeyli reached the age of 50!


Dear Igor Raufovich!

Congratulations on your first major anniversary - 50 years!

You are known in the country as an experienced leader and effective manager, responsible entrepreneur, initiator of many important state goals, a prominent scientist and public figure, generous philanthropist in the sphere of useful church affairs...

Many people know the part you play in strengthening the defensive power of the state, but as for things spiritual you try not to be public, to stay in the shadow, even though we know the importance of your actual contribution.

We thank you for your great assistance in the revival and restoration of many Orthodox holy places.

In particular, when we took part in the consecration of the St. Elizabeth church in Moscow, we saw not only the results of your charitable activities, but also the taste and elegance of the restoration works in this extremely smart church that indicates your personal aesthetic and spiritual views.

And how much has been done in order to make research and restoration works in the Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist in the village Khirino of Nizhny Novgorod region, in the birthplace of your grandfather! Not to mention your participation in the reconstruction of St. Nicholas in Ugresh Monastery in Moscow region.

Even such incomplete list of your personal commitment to the spiritual revival of Moscow, Moscow region and Nizhny Novgorod region, as well as the general sponsorship of the Russian Union of Writers, the assistance to the participants of the Ushakov’s movement and the International literary and art competition for children and teenagers "Grenadiers, forward!", can inspire a great respect for you from many, many compatriots.

I have been studying for more than 30 years the personality of our great admiral Fyodor Ushakov, who was consecrated by the Russian Orthodox Church a saint righteous warrior, so I can not be silent and want to thank you, dear Igor Raufovich, for your contributing to perpetuating the memory of the undefeated Saint Admiral and his army.

The World Russian People's Council with your participation created the memorial sign to Ushakov on the islands of Corfu and Vido in Greece and this event spiritualizes and strengthens the Russian-Greek friendship. You took an active part in all Ushakov’s events on Corfu, and the first awards ceremony for the Admiral Ushakov Prize’s laureates was held in Moscow, in the main library of the country. The Prize given for the spiritual and educational activities in the Army and Navy was established through your active involvement.

Many people know your work to create amazing public organization "Citizens for themselves". This is a valuable initiative and an urgent appeal, because the current state of the society requires considerably greater participation of citizens in a wide variety of affaires in the country.

Indeed, we shouldn’t expect manna from heaven, some help from someone above in many situations; we should be personally and socially active in achieving the objectives. These objectives should be clear, realistic and realizable. All this things can mobilize the energy of a man and the society often hidden in a napkin.

I hope, may God give you, Igor Raufovich, to implement and to develop this project, and we, for our part, promise to swing into action and to provide full assistance to this important trend in the life of the modern society.

As far as your age, you have entered one of the most productive periods of human life according to the Soviet standards; this is a period to be just an alternative member of the Politburo of the CPSU.

So you have to live and to work long and hard!

Many good years to you!


Deputy Head of the World Russian People's Council,

Chairman of the Russia’s Union of Writers

V.N. Ganichev
