February 2004

NAB ASD held a “Round table” in the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation.

NAB ASD held a “Round table” in the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the “Round Table” was to discuss the problems of the aerospace defense of Russia and to outline the basic trends of its development taking into considerations the experience and the basic world trends in this area. The information about the meeting and its decisions taken on the ASD problems was presented to the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the RF Deputy Prime Minister, the RF Security Council, the RF Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, the Commanders-in-Chief of the Air Force, Ground Forces, Navy, the Commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces, the Russian Space Forces, the Committees on defense, security, industry, construction and high technologies of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly, the Deputy Minister of Defense – the chief of armaments of RF Armed Forces, heads of several institutes of the Ministry of Defense, President of the Academy of Military Sciences.
