August 30 2005

A regular meeting of the NAB ASD Presidium was held.

A regular meeting of the NAB ASD Presidium was held. The information about participation of NAB ASD in the International Aerospace Show MAKS-2005 was heard . The exposition of NAB ASD at the International Aerospace Show MAKS-2005 included the posters “The main objectives of the NAB ASD activities, the structure of NAB ASD”, “The system of the aerospace defense (variant)”, “Parrying of the air and space threats (a version of aerospace operation)”.  Representatives of the military-industrial complex who expressed interest in the collaboration with NAB ASD were provided with the summary of information about NAB ASD and NAB ASD membership applications both for entities and persons. Journal “Aerospace Defense”, press organ NAB ASD, was distributed among the visitors of the aerospace show.

About 1000 people visited the exposition of NAB ASD during the aerospace show.  The constructive negotiations on the partnership were held with the representatives of a number of organizations.

The decision was taken:

1) To approve the activities of the representatives of the Board at the International Aerospace Show MAKS-2005;

2) To recommend to the representatives of the Board to bring to the public the main objectives of the Board both during the participation in the military and scientific and scientific technical conferences on the aerospace defense, and in the media publications.


The directions of the development of radar intelligence collection, its condition and prospects were discussed.

The decision was taken:

1) To approve principal directions of the development of radar intelligence collection.

2) The main conclusions on the topic stated in the reports should be used when preparing expert opinions for submission to the supreme executive authorities on behalf of the Board.
