August 31 2012

A cooperation agreement between Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was concluded.

A cooperation agreement between Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was concluded. It will allow pooling resources of scientists from many research areas, such as philosophers of nature, creators of high-end technologies, humanists, military scientists, driven by shared desire to promote self-expression of creative persons, in order to develop science, education and culture as the most important factors of national security and sustainable development in Russia.

The participation in the development of federal programs for safety of men and society, reducing the threat of global and local conflicts, as well as information security and legal protection of Russian citizens is expected in the frame of the agreement. It also provides for cooperation in the organization as well as execution of peer review for ambitious scientific projects, research programs and scientific discoveries aimed at developing forces and facilities of the RF Aerospace Defense.
