June 06 2012

A meeting of the Presidium of Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) was held.

A meeting of the Presidium of Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) was held where the results of the military-scientific conference organized by the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense on the 10th of April, 2012, and the results of the scientific and technical conference that took place at the Research Center for ballistic missile defense on the 27th of April, 2012, were discussed.

Presentations were made by chairman of the NAB ASD Presidium I.R. Ashurbeyli and CEO of the Board B.F. Cheltsov. The election of new NAB ASD members took place. 37 specialists were elected as members of the Board. The Board approved program for the general meeting of NAB ASD and fixed the date of the meeting - 28/06/2012.
