November 09 2012

A plenary session of the “Union of Air Defense Forces Veterans” was held.

A plenary session of the “Union of Air Defense Forces Veterans” was held where 37 regional organizations of the Union were represented. Members of Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) tool active part in the work of the session. In the frame of the agreement on cooperation and collaboration the results of joint work on current issues in the construction of the aerospace defense system in view of the decisions taken by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces - the President of the Russian Federation were discussed at the Plenum.

Much attention was paid to the veterans’ movement as a whole, including the issues of social protection of servicemen and military retirees. The participants expressed their gratitude to the members of NAB ASD and personally – to President of the NAB ASD Presidium I.R. Ashurbeyli for fruitful joint work and assistance rendered in the activities of the “Union of Air Defense Forces veterans”.


The Union of the Russian Air Force War and Military Service Veterans

Chairman of the Presidium is Lieutenant General Peter F. Terekhov. The organization consists of 21 regional structures, which includes 279 veterans’ organizations of 47,329 people totally. Among them there are Great Patriotic War veterans - 5061; former peacekeeping soldiers - 5460, people with disabilities - 7056, Heroes of the Soviet Union - 2, twice Heroes of the Soviet Union - 19; Heroes of the Russian Federation - 42; researchers - 15; sponsored schools and educational institutions - 387, museums and chambers of military glory - 413.

Special focus in the work of the regional, industrial and local veteran’s organizations is on social support for veterans, military and patriotic education of youth. Veterans patronize 9 schools where initial flight training is given assisting them in acquisition, technology, and logistics.

The Joint Council of the organization is in constant communication with all regional groups; coordinates their activities, providing all possible assistance and moral support.

As a result of the organization has acquired a high profile and support of all Air Force veterans and retirees.

The main objectives of the Russian Air Force Veterans’ Union are to rally Air Force veteran movement in order to defend social rights of veterans, to conduct military-patriotic and historical work, to participate in the events related to the celebration of the Victory Day, the Military Glory Days and public holidays.
