June 28 2012

An open general meeting of members of Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) was held.

An open general meeting of members of Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense (NAB ASD) was held. This is a unique organization that accumulates significant expert scientific resources of ASD professionals - including five members of RAS (Russian Academy of Science), 40 doctors of sciences and 35 candidates of sciences, 29 generals. The meeting was devoted to the development of Russian aerospace defense, and about 200 top-level scientists, experts, business leaders of defense industry complex, representing 8 research institutes, 8 military and civilian institutions, 31 industrial enterprises, as well as representatives of the RF Defense Ministry, Federal governmental authorities and 9 public organizations took part in it.

The results of the NAB ASD work for 9 years since its inception were summed up, the reports on the problems of creating the system of RF aerospace defense were heard, the condition and technology intensiveness of the system as well as the main development paths of ASD arms and military equipment, the prospects for the development of control systems of ASD forces and facilities were considered. Besides, a new term was introduced – integrated system of aerospace defense (IS ASD) that should include the integrated system of air and missile defense AD-ABM (IS IMD AD-ABM) proposed in 2007 by I.R. Ashurbeyli and practically ready now. Newly elected Presidium of ASD NAB reelected I.R. Ashurbeyli as a chairman.

Following the results of the meeting the decision was taken to continue participating in creation of the Russia’s integrated system of aerospace defense. In order to concentrate forces in the defense industry complex on creation of IS ASD the Advisory Board considers it appropriate to organize the Russian Federal Center of ASD (RFC ASD) and charged it with systems integrator functions in the ASD field. The meeting agreed to apply to the government with a proposal to instruct Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense with drafting of relevant documents.
