April 25 2012

Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense and the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law signed an agreement on cooperation and collaboration.

Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense represented by the Chairman of the Presidium, I.R. Ashurbeyli, and the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law represented by the academy's rector, V.P. Buyanov, signed an agreement on cooperation and collaboration, which provides for joint research in the field of economic analysis to facilitate the creation of effective system of aerospace defense in the country.

The agreement will allow to join efforts in the training of qualified specialists in this field for the RF Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex, as well as to organize sharing experiences and results of scientific research in this area. This agreement will consolidate activities in fundamental, basic and applied researches for the improvement of Russian and international regulatory and legal frameworks of construction and development of ASD system. Experts of the Advisory Board and the Academy will pool efforts in organizing and conducting the activities to cope with the tasks of the aerospace defense.
