15 september 2013

1st Russian-Belorussian scientific and technical conference «ELEMENT BASE OF THE NATIONAL RADIO ELECTRONICS»

11-14 September 2013 the 1st Russian-Belorussian scientific and technical conference «ELEMENT BASE OF THE NATIONAL RADIO ELECTRONICS» dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of О.V. Losev took place in Nizhny Novgorod on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

Among the organizers of the conference there were NAB ASD and ОJSC «Design Bureau-1». The members of RAS, Z.I.Alpherov and Y.V.Gulyayev, were the co-chairmen of the Program Committee. The Program Committee of the conference included the Chairman of the NAB ASD Presidium, Doctor of Technical Sciences I.R. Ashurbeyli, the Executive Director of NAB ASD, Doctor of Military Sciences B.F. Cheltsov, and the Organizing Committee included the academic secretary of NAB ASD, Candidate of Military Sciences I.V. Kosyak.

The mission of the conference:

- The defense of the domestic priorities in the field of microelectronics and optoelectronics related to the name O.V Losev (1903 - 1942) to unite all professionals interested in the actual development of the element base of  the national radio electronics under the auspices the Russian Scientific Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Connections named after A.S.Popov;

- The analysis of the current level of the domestic theoretical and experimental research in the field of the element base of the radio electronics that grew from the works of O.V. Losev;

- Joining together the efforts of the Russian and Belarusian scientists in the development of fundamental and applied researches in microelectronics, in introducing domestic microelectronic innovations in the sectors of the national economy based on the achievements of microelectronics: in communications, navigation, telecommunications, Earth’s remote sensing and so on, as well as in the import substitution and support for domestic producers in the field of microelectronics, including the access to foreign markets.

Two roundtable discussions were held as part of the conference: "Analysis of the impact of the development of microelectronics on militant actions during network-centric warfare" and "Analysis of the import substitution of the most receptive segments of the domestic market of electronic components".

According to the results of the conference the collection of works was released and the brief outline of the solutions was prepared:

1. There is visible progress in the domestic microelectronic industry. It’s necessary to support the movement forward by the total national power.

2. There is the incomplete process flow in the field of microelectronics and the conceptually amorphous technical policy in the field of microelectronics should be noted. The domestic production of the technological equipment for microelectronics is absent: a lot of design centers without own test and measuring equipment. The rehabilitation and further development of the domestic electronic engineering is necessary.  

3. The education in the field of microelectronics should be brought closer to the real microelectronic manufacturing.

4. The new scientific and technical program of the Common State of Belarus and Russia on radiation-resistant and highly reliable electronics, materials and schemes for space electric power industry should be initiated.

5. The integrated interdisciplinary approach to supplying the aerospace defense and military robotics with domestic element base systems is required.

6. It’s necessary to elaborate the complex measures for the defense of the internal market of the final products of radio electronics. 

7. The working group under the auspices the Russian Scientific Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Connections named after A.S.Popov should be created for specification and concretization of the above listed theses.

8. In order to perpetuate the memory of an outstanding researcher - Oleg V. Losev it’s necessary:

  • to create in Nizhny Novgorod the museum of Oleg V.Losev where the stages of his short but so rich life will be brightly reflected;
  • to conduct under the Russian Scientific Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Connections named after A.S.Popov the competitions among students and young professionals, awarded the "Losev’s Prize" for really remarkable, distinctive and original works in the field of physics and electronics promoting creative scientific approach;
  • to name the Russian-Belarusian scientific and technical conference "Element base of the national radio electronics" after Oleg V.Losev hold it in Nizhny Novgorod biennially.
