28 june 2013

NAB ASD members took part in the All-Russian Conference “Radio-electronic equipment for receiving, processing and visualization of information - 2013”.

In the period from 26 to 27 June 2013 the All-Russian Conference “Radio-electronic equipment for receiving, processing and visualization of information” was held at the Military Academy of the Tactical Air Defense of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces named after Marshal A.M. Vasilyevsky (Smolensk).



















The objectives of the conference:
  • to join efforts and schools of the Russian scientists and engineers in order to improve the domestic radio engineering, electronics and communications on the basis of the latest achievements in science and technology, to support  the scientists, engineers and technical staff in the development of their scientific and technical creativity, professional development, protection of their professional rights and intellectual property;
  • to strengthen the administrative and academic relationships with the Russian research institutions and universities, organizations and enterprises.
The organizers of conference:

The RF Ministry of Education and Science, The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V.A. Kotelnikov of RAS, the Russian Scientific Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Connections named after A.S.Popov, the Non-Departmental Advisory Council on Aerospace Defense, the Moscow TV Research Institute (CJSC "MNITI"), OJSC "Design bureau-1", the Administrations of Smolensk region and the hero-city of Smolensk, the representative office of State Corporation "Rostech" in Smolensk region and the Military Academy of the Tactical Air Defense of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces named after Marshal A.M. Vasilyevsky.

More than 150 representatives from 20 organizations tool part in the conference.

The executive director of the Nonprofit Partnership “Non-Departmental Advisory Council on Aerospace Defense”, the winner of the RF State Prize and the Russian Government’s Prize in Science and Technology, the full member of the Academy of Military Sciences, Honored RF Military Expert, Doctor of  Military Sciences, Colonel General Boris F. Cheltsov, made a report at the plenary session. The topic of his speech was: "The main directions and approaches to solving problems of creating the aerospace defense of the Russian Federation".


