14 october 2013
И. Косяк

The Festival of Science was held in the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman in the frame of the III All-Russian Festival of Science and VIII Moscow Festival of Science.

From 11 to 13 October, the Festival of Science was held in the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman in the frame of the III All-Russian Festival of Science and VIII Moscow Festival of Science and with the support of the Moscow Government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

More than 1,000 people visited the exhibition. The guests can explore the youth scientific and engineering exhibition "Polytechnica" and the exhibition of scientific and technological achievements of the University, where research results and innovation projects of the staff, students and postgraduates of the Technical University named after N.E. Bauman were presented. Master classes of young scientists and teachers, lectures were a success.

The main objective of such a large-scale scientific event is to popularize fundamental knowledge, to cultivate the interest to research work in young people, to inform what prospects it can open for a modern man, as well as to give young scientists new opportunities for development and growth.

The academic secretary of the Nonprofit Partnership “Non-Departmental Advisory Board on Aerospace Defense” (NAB ASD), Candidate of Military Sciences Igor V. Kosyak, took part in the exhibition as a member of the jury at the invitation of the organizing committee. The projects "Complex of methods and models for forming and analyzing basic data on missiles for attack and defense", "Simulation model of the system of high-precision weapons and facilities for its information support", "Hardware and software complex for control of cerebral circulation under critical conditions by tissue oximetry", "Automated system of adaptation of people with disabilities with the use of natural interface" were highly appreciated. The authors of these works were awarded diplomas of the NAB ASD and souvenirs.
